
5 Comforting Poems for Widows You Can Use to Make a Framed Gift


The loss of a husband is the loss of yourself. These are poems for widows grieving the loss of a husband. These poems can be printed off to use in a sympathy card or gift. My favorite idea for using poems is to use a picture frame to frame the poem and also a picture of the loved one who has passed away.
You may also be interested in Words of Sympathy for the Death of a Spouse.

Poems for Widows: To Share & Print

To My Beloved

By Celia Wenig

You had a talent for bringing special meaning to life,
It was such a pleasure to be your wife.
You helped me to grow and to realize 
the fullness and the beauty in our lives.
Every day I counted my blessings.
Then God called, and you went away
Out of this world to a brighter day.
Suddenly my life of gladness
Turned to utter sadness.
 My grief wears me down,
I shed so many tears,
As I recall your love and devotion through the years.
For your sake and in memory of your name,
I pray for strength to do things the same.
To reach out, to fill the hours with useful ways,
To comfort, to cheer and have no more empty days.
I try to console myself — it was God’s greater plan,
So I must accept it, if I can.
You moved away to His splendid home above,
If there is life after death,
I know you will be waiting there for me,
With love.
Though Heaven and Earth divide us, and the distance is so great,
I count my blessings for the years you were my mate.
I will live my life remembering, while you wait, slumbering.
My beloved, may you rest in peace.

To My Husband

by Tracy O. Whitlock

It seems that love has died
And walls of anger overbear
I cannot show my tears;
Nor tell you the reasons why
My heart grows lonely
I feel us drifting apart as a boat
On a sea of torment
I pity myself in silence
Hurt lies in strange places
The heart cannot fathom the will to live
I shed my tears of hurt, and I am angry because you show no concern
You bottle your hurt; you keep it
Like a Pandora’s box of untold secrets
You show no emotion; you feel no pain
My grief is heavy laden upon my soul
I long to feel your touch; sympathy; love
Shall we weather this storm together?
Or shall we continue drifting; blind to
The edge of land that is called love.

Wishing You Near

by Nick Alcantara

To realize that time is so dear
When you are no
Longer here
I cling to memories,
Sweet memories
That bring you near
If only I could touch you again
Without bringing back the pain
Feeling your presence
That you are not really
Very far away
That would us bring back
The aura and magic
Of being again
I know you are
Just a whisper away.

A New Path

by Nick Alcantara
All I wanted
Was to spend more time
With you
But what I got
Was only a precious few
At least I tried
To make the most
Of what was left
Plans diverted
Too many hurdles
Never made it
To desired stage
Sorry, not much choice
Although it hurts
Life must go on now
Even without you
I must continue
The life that never was
And forged ahead
 a new path
Guided by your
Eternal light
And undoubting love
Forever you are always in our hearts.

How to Support & Help a Widow

This e-book is the best guides for friends and family who want to help. It’s full of helpful tips and can give to the confidence to know exactly what to do without getting in the way of grief. One of the best resources and recommended by grief experts. You can get instant access to this e-book by simply by clicking on the book or going to The Light Beyond Website.