This collection of Christian sympathy poems, by inspired artists, are wonderful to use in a memorial service, in writing a obituary or to sharing with a grieving loved one.
These poems are much beloved and have brought so many peace and comfort. I hope they will also bring comfort to your loved one.
The following is one of my favorite Christian sympathy poems.
The Plan of the Master Weaver
My life is but a weaving between the Lord and me,
I may not choose the colors,
He knows what they should be,
For He can view the pattern upon the upper side,
While I can see it only on this, the underside
Sometimes He weaveth sorrow, which seemeth strange to me, But I will trust His judgment, and work on faithfully, ‘Tis He who fills the shuttle, and He knows what is best, So I shall weave in earnest, leaving to Him the rest
Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why - The dark threads are as needed in the Weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.
God’s Promise
God never promised a life without pain,
Laughter without tears or sun without rain.
But He did promise strength for the day,
Comfort for the tears and the light for the way,
And for all who believe In His Heaven above
He rewards their faith In His everlasting love.
Life is but a Stopping Place
Life is but a stopping place, A pause in what’s to be a resting place, Along the road to sweet eternity. We all Have different journeys, different paths along The way, we all were meant to learn some things, But never meant to stay. Our destination is a Place far greater than we know. For some, The journey is quicker, for some the journey is Slow. And when the journey finally ends, We’ll claim a great reward and find an Everlasting peace together, With the Lord. Most of these poems very well known. Here is another one of my favorite Christian sympathy poems, it is more unique. I found the following poem at The author Nicholas Gordan has some other Christian sympathy poems on his website.
Death is Nothing But a Moment’s Rest
Death is nothing but a moment’s rest Until the Second Coming of the Lord
When He shall gather to Him of the best to take them to the place of their reward.
I’ve felt the power of Jesus in my soul
Shining like a golden sun within,
Melting my hard heart to make me whole,
Burning out the remnants of my sin. I’ve felt Him work within me, so I know The glory that will come when I awake.
I’ll sleep just like a child who’ll homeward go,
And in my dreams of love great pleasure take. So do not mourn my death, and do not grieve.
The Lord will come for me: This I believe
-Author: Nicholas Gordon
If You Could See Me Now
If you could see me now you wouldn’t shed a tear.
Though you may not understand why I’m no longer there.
Remember my spirit that is the real me because I’m still very
Much alive, I’ve just been set free, Oh, if you could only see!
I have beheld our Father’s face and I’ve touched my Savior’s
Hand. All of Heaven’s angels rejoiced as I entered the promised
Land. Beyond the gates of pearl I’ve walked on the golden streets.
I’ve touched the walls of jasper and dipped my foot in the
Crystal sea. The beauty is beyond words and nothing could
Compare, I’ve even seen your mansion and someday
I’ll meet you there. Let Jesus be your guide because
His Word will show you the way! So please don’t
Cry because we will meet again someday.
-Author: Patsy Stambaugh Deskins
The Broken Chain
We little knew that day that God was going to all your name,
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
-Author: Ron Tranmer