We Are Looking for Contributing Writers and Artists
Would you like to contribute to the work at SimpleSympathy.com? Here are just few ways that you can be a part of what we’re doing.
Artwork: Images for printable cards need to be a high-enough resolution to print. We also create a variety online content such as videos, social media graphics, and blog posts. If you are an artist and would like contribute artwork or photography we do offer compensation and give credit to the artist including a link to your website, social media channels, or online portfolio.
Guest Bloggers: This is also a great way to tell us about your website, book, online retail store or other helpful resource. You can share your own experience with grief or expertise from dealing with grief on a professional level.
We would like to feature:
- Grief experts
- Bereavement counselors
- Authors
- Individuals ready to share about their own grief journey
- People who have experience in helping grieving individuals
We really value your insights and hope to learn about expressing sympathy better.
Contribute to Simple Sympathy as a Guest Blogger
If you enjoy writing and would like to share a previously unpublished blog post at SimpleSympahty.com please let us know! We are looking for articles that are 600-800 words in length. Please add a photo and tell us a little bit about yourself. We would like to create a author bio box at the bottom of your post.
Here are some topics you may want to write about in our guest blog post:
- Words of Sympathy: What are some things that people said to you? What helped and what did not?
- Sympathy Gift Ideas: Did you receive any particular gifts that were comforting?
- As a society, how do you think we deal with grief and comforting the bereaved?
- Are there any books or resources that helped you along the way?
- If you had it to do over again, is there anything that you wish you would have known?
- How would you help somebody experiencing a loss similar to what you experienced?
- What was the most helpful thing somebody did? The most unhelpful thing?
- What do you think grieving individuals need most from their friends and family?
Promoting Your Website, Books or Services
Contributing to Simple Sympathy is a great way to raise awareness about your resources and put valuable information into the right hands.
Readers of Simple Sympathy are looking for ways they can comfort and help grieving friends and family members. Our readers are mainly based in the US and Canada. They are often people in care-giving professions or just everyday people who are kind and caring. Many have struggled to support and comfort their family members and are looking for gift ideas and meaningful ways to be present for the people they care about. Many have experienced grief themselves and understand the importance of grief awareness. If this in any area that you are passionate about we’d love to accept guest blog posts, book reviews, or feature your website on our social media channels.
We are open to our guest bloggers who promote their services and products if they are helpful to our readers. If readers want to know more about what you offer they can visit your website.
You may place a link to your website in your author bio section to send readers to your site where they can purchase your product or services. We ask that you do not place affiliate links within your content.
If you have any questions or would like to get started sharing your writing or artwork please contact Jenna@simplesympathy.com